近日,我校生命科学学院张方教授课题组在生物学顶级期刊《current biology》(cell子刊,5年平均影响因子=11)发表题为《female frogs communicate with males through blinking(雌蛙向雄性“暗送秋波”)》的文章。生命科学学院陈潘博士与已毕业硕士研究生刘姝文为本研究的共同第一作者,张方教授为通讯作者,参与本研究的还有生命科学学院武亚涛博士、在读硕士研究生刘国卿以及地理与旅游学院青年教师金莹莹。安徽师范大学为唯一完成单位。《science》(科学)杂志报道了张方教授课题组发表在《current biology》上的研究成果。
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the behavior, once thought to be unique to primates, appears to serve as an amphibian social signal
the female concave-eared torrent frog (odorrana tormota) may not have eyelashes, but that doesn’t stop her from batting her lubricous lids at potential mates. these beady-eyed amphibians can be found on the banks of noisy streams throughout china, where the rapids would drown out ordinary croaks and chirps. so, males and females of this species have both evolved to produce and hear high-pitched mating calls that can be heard over the rushing din to signal that they’re seeking a suitor. but how does one jumping juliet single out a ribbiting romeo know to let him know she’s interested? in a study published today in current biology, researchers report that female frogs blink—and often wink—at them, a subtle gesture (seen above) that encourages the males to assume a mating position. further experiments confirmed that male frogs were more likely to approach blinking females than unblinking ones. although scientists have traditionally considered eyeblinks to be a social signal used only by humans and some other primates, the new research suggests this behavior might be more common in the animal kingdom than previously thought.
雌性凹耳蛙(odorrana tormota)可能没有睫毛,但这并不妨碍它向潜在的配偶扑闪它那光滑的眼睑。这种目光锐利的两栖动物在中国一些喧闹的溪流两岸都有分布,那里的激流声会淹没普通的呱呱和唧唧声。因此,这个物种的雄性和雌性都已经进化到能够发出和听到高频率的求偶叫声,这种叫声可以在嘈杂的喧闹声中听到,表明它们在寻找心仪对象。但是,一个跃跃欲试的朱丽叶是如何在一群喋喋不休的罗密欧中挑选出她心仪的对象呢?2024年3月11日发表在《当代生物学》(current biology)的一项研究中,研究人员指出说,雌蛙会向雄蛙眨眼(而且是经常眨眼),通过这种微妙的动作来鼓励雄蛙摆出交配姿势迎接接下来的幸福时刻。进一步的实验证实,与不眨眼的雌蛙相比,雄蛙更有可能接近眨眼的雌蛙。尽管科学家们传统上认为眨眼是一种社交信号,只有人类和其他一些灵长类动物才会使用,但新的研究表明,这种行为在动物王国中可能比以前认为的更常见。